The Secret to Undiagnosed Conditions May Be Hiding in Your Mouth
Millions suffer from chronic health problems without receiving accurate diagnoses or effective treatments. Truth is, there’s a hidden connection between oral health and undiagnosed issues. Missing Link’s advanced AI examines panoramic X-rays for sources of low-grade chronic inflammation, uncovering potential problem areas unnoticed to the naked eye, and knowing such hidden issues in various conditions is eye-opening. These panoramic X-rays are available from prior dentist visits and copies can be requested to be uploaded for assessment.(What are panoramic X-rays?)
What Is Missing Link?

Find out if you have silent jawbone pathologies.
A fast, private, and easy way to uncover potential hidden problems overlooked by most medical and dental professionals which could negatively contribute to other systemic health issues.

Connecting the mouth, brain, and body.
Advanced technology that improves communication between physicians and dental professionals, helping patients discover potential hidden issues that can deeply impact your neurological, immunological and general wellbeing.